Memory as Muse: Then and Now
These flash memoirs welcome you to experience someone’s life, to enter a scene or a brief narrative from childhood, midlife, or beyond. They are engaging. They are a portrait of a person and their environment, revealing a change in understanding or belief, in addition to a change in circumstance — between “then and now.”
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Please contact Maia to buy your book locally in San Miguel de Allende.
Donna Agajanian
Jan Baross
Lena Bartula
Rosaleen Bertolino
Nancy Borris
Barbara Chandler
Sher Davidson
Kit Desjacques
Elena DeVos
Leni Garetson
Emily K Grieves
Michael Field
Marsha Kelly
Mary Jo Harrod
Robert J Hawkins
Carla Renken Hines
Mary Elizabeth Holmes
K M Howard
Stephanie T Jenal
Judith Jenya
Margo Johnson
Stephanie Urbina Jones
Rick Kammen
Rhoda Kibler
Sallie Kravetz
Miriam Levine-Alcala
Diane McMillan
Kathy Murphy
Lauren Osornio
Wyman Rousseau
Madhu Sameer
Roberta Schine
Sanderson (Sandy) Sims
Beth Spencer
Jan Stirling-Twist
Dorothy Wallstein
Maia Williams